Here's what the weather will be like this long weekend in Ibiza and Formentera
For this Friday, a public holiday on the Balearic Islands Day, cloudy intervals are expected, without ruling out some light rainfall, tending during the early hours of the morning to lightly cloudy skies. Minimum temperatures with little change and maximum temperatures in decline, ranging between 8ºC and 16ºC. Moderate north wind with strong intervals, tending in the afternoon to moderate wind from the southwest will put the Pitiusas Islands on yellow alert between two in the morning and 11 in the morning for coastal phenomena.
También en Pitiusas
- Maltrato animal en Ibiza: multa de 10.000 euros al dueño de un perro por abandonarlo
- Se estampa drogado con el coche en un polígono industrial en Ibiza y acaba detenido
- Socialistas de Ibiza votan en contra de exigir una ley urgente antiokupas
- Alertan de la aparición de peligrosas medusas carabelas portuguesas en playas de Ibiza
- Unas obras fulminan el teléfono e internet en la calle Aragón de Ibiza y se desata la indignación vecinal
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