Guirigall Cafè
Joan es el alma de este bar, convertido hoy en una excelente cervecería.
The Kooks
La banda de indie -rock The Kooks inaugura el escenario del nuevo hotel Mallorca Rocks.
Adam Arcuragi - Bottom of the River - A Take Away Show
Adam Arcuragi playing "Bottom of the River" near a flea market on 25th Street in New York Read the whole article and see more videos here:,4114 "I think Adam and friends would probably be doing something like this on any given Saturday in Philly even if there were no cameras around. Theyre all accomplished musicians, theyre all in each others bands, and theyll add whatever, whenever, as long as the song needs them. This one needs vocals, lots of harmony, kickin rhy
The Hazey Janes
Los escoceses The Hazey Janes.
Sexy Sadie
Foto de archivo de la extinta banda mallorquina de indie Sexy Sadie, que se volverán a reunir sobre el escenario en mayo.
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