Un ‘crowdfunding' para mantener ‘Animales del Alma'

Animales del Alma believes that all animals deserve our compassion and protection. Elisabeth Conradi, the founder of ADA, nearly spent her whole childhood in Ibiza, Spain. She quickly realized that beside the beautiful scenery and magical island, there was a high amount of neglect for many animals living there. She made it her mission early on to try and help as many of them as she can. ADA was established as a rescue shelter that focuses on caring for animals and finding them loving homes. From providing emergency veterinary care to long-term rehabilitation, our goal is to aid any animal in need, regardless of their past. Through our efforts and the effort of our volunteers and supporters, we have not only seen important advancements in the lives of the animals, but also improvements in the human-animal bond. We aim to grow our community to provide shelter for all dogs in need. In order to keep the project alive, and grow our rescue center to support more animals, ADA relies on donations. These donations go towards: - Renting and up-keeping the 15'000 square meter property - Rehabilitate and train the animals for their future homes with an experienced team - Food and medicine for the animals - Veterinary bills for sick or injured animals ADA appreciates every kind of support: No matter if it’s volunteering, donating or simply spreading our message. No action is too small to make a difference! https://gofund.me/4ca7c1b0 Follow us on Instagram @animalesdelalma to see our progress and help grow the Animales del Alma community. https://gofund.me/4ca7c1b0 | Youtube: Animales del Alma


La asociación Animales del Alma (ADA), fundada por Elisabeth Conradi, ha lanzado una campaña de crowdfunding, através de la plataforma GoFoundMe para «mantener a flote a la asociación de refugio animal».

«Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a cualquier animal que lo necesite, independientemente de su pasado. Para mantener vivo el proyecto y hacer crecer el centro de rescate y poder apoyar a más animales, ADA depende de las donaciones», argumenta la impulsora del proyecto.

Estas donaciones se invierten principalmente en el alquiler y mantenimiento de la propiedad, de 15.000 metros cuadrados, en rehabilitar y entrenar a los animales para sus futuros hogares con un equipo experimentado, así como en alimentos y medicinas para los animales y facturas veterinarias por animales enfermos o heridos.