The UK consul in Catalonia, Lloyd Milen, met at the World Travel Market (WTM) international tourism fair in London with the president of the Consell d'Eivissa, Vicent Marí, and the mayor of Sant Josep, Vicent Roig, to discuss the evolution of the British market in Ibiza. In this regard, when asked before the meeting about the increase in the eco-tax that will affect tourists staying in tourist establishments during the high season, Lloyd Milen stressed that this increase is a political measure of the Balearic Islands. ‘The islands can decide to increase taxes and impose a tax increase. A few cents more in the tourist tax will not change the British tourist's idea of spending their holidays in the Balearics,’ added the UK Consul in Catalonia. He also welcomed the ‘transparency’ of public investment in the different projects financed by the eco-tax, which will be focused on improving the environment and caring for the environment.
«The British will not change their holidays for a few cents more in the eco-tax»
The UK consul, Lloyd Milen, who met with Vicent Marí, points out at the World Travel Market that visitor arrivals to Ibiza have fallen, but tourist spending has increased
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