The Department for the Fight against Intrusion has decided to initiate the sanctioning procedure with a proposal for a serious sanction (from 20,000 to 40,000 euros) to the marketer of the so-called 'Jesus hostel' after the tourist inspection service of the Consell de Ibiza found infringements in matters of Tourism for the advertising, contracting and marketing of rooms without having presented the corresponding declaration of responsibility for the start of tourist activity or the prior communication.
Fine of between 20,000 and 40,000 euros for illegal tourist rental in Ibiza
También en Pitiusas
- Abandono animal en Ibiza: Max lleva cinco años en sa Coma esperando un hogar
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- El Defensor del Paciente denuncia que ocho personas murieron por negligencias médicas en Baleares en 2024
- El terrible apuñalamiento en Ibiza viene de una pelea del pasado mes de octubre
- Médicos en pie de guerra ante la posibilidad de no poder compaginar la sanidad pública con la privada
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