Two Ibiza restaurants face fines of up to 60,000 euros for selling fish caught with guns


Throughout the first week of April, the fisheries inspection services of the Balearic Islands Government and the Ibiza Island Council carried out an inspection of fishery products in several catering establishments on the island of Ibiza.

The main objective of these joint actions is to verify the traceability of fish products marketed in Ibiza, guaranteeing that consumers can access relevant information on the products they consume and ensuring that they comply with current regulations.

According to the Consell, during the inspections, products presumably originating from recreational fishing were identified, "as they showed signs of having been caught by underwater fishing, evidenced by the presence of entry and exit holes," they said. In addition, a specimen of grouper was found whose size was less than the 45 centimetres established as the minimum size allowed in the Mediterranean calador. Both situations constitute serious infractions according to fisheries legislation.

In this sense, this type of infringements, both minor and serious, are contemplated in the Fisheries Law and can be sanctioned with fines ranging between 60 and 600 euros for minor infringements, and between 601 and 60,000 euros for serious infringements.