Two Ibiza restaurants face fines of up to 60,000 euros for selling fish caught with guns
Throughout the first week of April, the fisheries inspection services of the Balearic Islands Government and the Ibiza Island Council carried out an inspection of fishery products in several catering establishments on the island of Ibiza.
También en Pitiusas
- Maltrato animal en Ibiza: multa de 10.000 euros al dueño de un perro por abandonarlo
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- Alertan de la aparición de peligrosas medusas carabelas portuguesas en playas de Ibiza
- Unas obras fulminan el teléfono e internet en la calle Aragón de Ibiza y se desata la indignación vecinal
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This comment is for the previous news.... go pick asparagus and don't come back, we don't owe you anything, feudal lord surrounded by jesters in your crystal palace