Arrested in Ibiza for attempting to burn down the boat where his ex-partner was staying
The victim was in the company of a friend in his boat, when they began to smell smoke, so they had to use a fire extinguisher
Officers of the National Police in Ibiza, proceeded on the 2nd of February to the arrest of a man, as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of ill-treatment in the family environment.
También en Pitiusas
- Maltrato animal en Ibiza: multa de 10.000 euros al dueño de un perro por abandonarlo
- Se estampa drogado con el coche en un polígono industrial en Ibiza y acaba detenido
- Socialistas de Ibiza votan en contra de exigir una ley urgente antiokupas
- Alertan de la aparición de peligrosas medusas carabelas portuguesas en playas de Ibiza
- Unas obras fulminan el teléfono e internet en la calle Aragón de Ibiza y se desata la indignación vecinal
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