Illegal party in the middle of the natural park in Ibiza
The Local Police of Sant Josep has intervened in this illegal party. | ARGUI ESCANDON
Dozens of cars and people are accumulating this Thursday at noon in the outskirts of Sant Francesc de ses Salines, in the natural park of Ibiza. According to neighbors and cab drivers who have contacted Periódico de Ibiza y Formentera, about 12.00 pm has begun an unusual traffic of cars and people in the area. In the natural park have been stopping dozens of cars, whose drivers came down and made botellón waiting, as has been verified in situ this newspaper, that black vans came to pick them up to go to an illegal party in a villa of which the exact location is unknown. In this sense, in the natural park have been established different 'meeting points' where people have been summoned to, once there, be picked up in black vans and taken to the illegal party in a villa. While waiting outside their cars, the attendees dance and drink.
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