A man has stabbed a couple who was sleeping in a room in a village of Sant Josep and then committed suicide by jumping into the sea. The stabber slept Monday night in that village, as confirmed by the Civil Guard. It is not known whether he lived with them or was temporarily staying there. It should be noted that the Town Hall of Sant Josep have not been able to confirm whether it is a tourist accommodation or a regular home. After the stabbing, the couple has been assisted by the health services in the health center of Sant Antoni, where they went by their own foot, and from there they were transferred to the hospital Can Misses. The man, 32 years old and Spanish nationality, has entered with stab wounds in the chest and is in the ICU stable within gravity. The woman, also 26 years old from Spain, presents stab wounds in the lumbar area and has been discharged at 15.00 hours after passing the ER.

The Guardia Civil identified the material author of the events, also Spanish, and proceeded to its search during the morning of this Monday. Finally, this person has appeared drowned in the sea, as explained from the Peripheral Office of the Civil Guard.

The Benemérita is investigating the causes of this terrible event.