Ryanair prohibits passengers flying from UK to Ibiza from boarding with alcohol bottles

Following several incidents on other flights the airline has opted for this ban


Duty-free alcohol will no longer be welcome on Ryanair flights from the UK to Ibiza. As MixMag explained on Wednesday, this decision was taken by the company after several events by passengers of an «antisocial» nature.

This news has been transmitted from the airline to customers through an email specifying the total ban on carrying alcohol on the plane, Those who want to buy their alcoholic beverages in the duty free and fly with them to Ibiza must check them in the cabin. «Those who try to hide the bottles can be expelled from the plane without compensation or return of the ticket», warned Ryanair.

Following a flight last April from Manchester to Ibiza which was delayed by five hours due to the intolerable behaviour of a group of 15 drunk people who were expelled from the flight, the company has been forced to take drastic measures.

For its part, Ryanair told Periódico de Ibiza y Formentera this Friday that "we are not 'banning' or 'confiscating' duty free alcohol at boarding gates". And it has clarified that "according to Ryanair's terms and conditions, passengers may carry duty free alcohol on board, but must not consume it during the flight".