«When March passes, May marks». And never better said. In about ten days the temperatures will not register large rises nor the sky will be completely clean.

DANA will continue to rain on us. That is why the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) announces for this Tuesday cloudy sky covered with rainfall accompanied by mud and occasionally storm, more intense in Pitiusas than in the rest of the Balearic Islands accompanied by temperatures with few changes and wind from the northeast.

For this Wednesday the sky is presented from cloudy to covered with rainfall accompanied by mud, very likely in the Pitiusas where they could be occasionally strong and accompanied by storm, tending during the afternoon to predominate the cloudy sky. For its part, temperatures will register few changes and weak wind.

For Thursday and Friday, cloudy intervals are expected with occasional rainfall accompanied by mud with night temperatures with few changes and rising daytime with loose wind and coastal breezes.

By Saturday, with increasing uncertainty, will continue the atmospheric instability in much of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with abundant cloud cover, cloud evolution, and accompanied by showers and storms. Temperatures will tend to fall in the east and south peninsular. Winds of southern and eastern component will predominate.

Between Sunday and Wednesday of next week will continue the atmospheric instability in much of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with predominantly cloudy skies, cloud evolution and with probable showers and almost generalized storms.

It also seems likely that on Sunday 28, temperatures fall in much of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.