Two seriously injured in a shocking accident in Ibiza with a car plunging some ten meters from the ground

This is how the car involved was left after the accident.


Two seriously injured and a car wreck after falling from a height of about eight meters. It is part of the balance of a spectacular accident occurred early Tuesday morning at the traffic circle access to Ibiza, in Blanca Dona. The car ended up in a lane of the second ring road of Ibiza with its two occupants badly injured.

The accident occurred at around 05.00 hours and the vehicle in which two men were traveling has ended up rushing to the E-20 after crossing the traffic circle.

The two injured were driving a rented Audia A-6 on the Sant Antoni road towards Ibiza. The car made a straight line, crossed the traffic circle and crashed after smashing the guardrail.

The occupants of another vehicle circulating next to the victims alerted of the incident and initially helped the injured.

To the scene of the incident have been mobilized several units of the Civil Guard Traffic, two ambulances 061, a team of firefighters and operators of Xarxa Viària.

As reported from the Fire Station, the co-driver has been able to get out of the car and has been assisted by the medical staff. Inside was the driver, who has been stabilized by the 061 medical teams and extracted from the rear of the rental car.

The work at the scene of the accident lasted until after 07.00 hours. One of the injured has been transferred to Can Misses. It is a 19 year old British man who has been admitted with polytraumas. According to the Health Area of Ibiza and Formentera, the young man remains under observation in the Emergency Unit. The other injured, the most serious, a 23 year old British man, has been transferred to the Policlìnica Nuestra Señora del Rosario with polytraumas.

Initial investigations indicate that the car was traveling at a very excessive speed when it entered the traffic circle. A team of Grúas Ibiza roadside assistance has been in charge of the removal of the car that has been total loss.