Etiqueta 'oso'

Oso pardo
El oso es una especie protegida.

Turkish Cinema - Bal (Honey) by Semih Kaplanoğlu - Goldener Bär 2010
Bal (Honey) is a 2010 Turkish drama film directed by Semih Kaplanoğlu, the third and final installment of the "Yusuf Trilogy", which includes Yumurta (Egg) and Süt (Milk). It premiered on 16 February 2010 in competition at the 60th Berlin International Film Festival, where it won the coveted Golden Bear award. SYNOPSIS Yusuf (6) has started primary school and is learning how to read and write. His father, Yakup (35-38), works far in the depths of a frightening forest. He is a honey-gatherer who hangs his
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