The health of our bones and joints is important so that we can continue to move properly and so that they do not hurt when we walk. As we get older, it is necessary to strengthen them, which is why there are vitamins and minerals that help to keep bone mass in better condition.
In this sense, vitamin D and calcium are good allies for bones and joints. As for calcium, according to the National Institute of Health, our body is not capable of producing calcium, so it is necessary to obtain it from other sources. If the body does not have enough, over time the bones weaken and the risk of osteoporosis (which causes weakened bone mass) increases.
As for vitamin D, its role is to help calcium to be absorbed from the food we eat and to protect bone health in older people to prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D also promotes the proper functioning of muscles and the immune system.
Vitamin D deficiency in children can lead to rickets, which causes bones to become soft and weak, deformed and painful. In adults, the absence of vitamin D, according to the website, can lead to osteomalacia (a painful condition that causes bones to weaken and break) and osteoporosis.
Foods containing vitamin D
Although not many foods contain vitamin D, the most prominent are trout, salmon, tuna and mackerel. On the other hand, fortified foods include breakfast cereals and orange juice.
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