Ibiza, priority destination for LGTBQ+ tourists from the United States

File image of a Pride parade. | Yauhen Yerchak


90% of LGBTQ+ travelers from the United States have shown interest in visiting Spain in the next three years and, within them, 65% have expressed particularly high or very high interest, according to the recent report presented by the Ministry of Tourism of Turespaña in Los Angeles, in collaboration with MMGY Global.

This study provides key information on the preferences, interests and perceptions of this segment of tourists when considering Spain as their travel destination in the coming years, he explained in a statement.

Barcelona, ​​Ibiza and Madrid stand out among the most popular destinations with 70%, 66% and 65%, respectively, within a classification headed by Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Specifically, Barcelona is especially popular among Generation X travelers, with 79% of them considering it a desirable destination, and it is also valued by boomers, with 76%. As for the capital, Madrid attracts 77% of Generation X and 74% of boomers.

For its part, Sitges occupies an important place in the preferences of Generation X (65%), although the interest of millennials in this city is lower (44%). Likewise, Ibiza is appreciated by all generational groups, although the interest of millennials is somewhat lower (56%).

For Turespaña, the country is seen as an ideal destination for adults, thanks to its rich cultural heritage, an outstanding gastronomic offer and a lively nightlife. Thus, 85% of travelers with the greatest interest in Spain affirm that the country constantly offers new experiences and activities, while 80% highlight the numerous outdoor activities.

Furthermore, 66% consider that Spain has a reputation as an LGBTQ+ friendly destination and 60% believe that the country promotes inclusion and organizes significant events for the community, which is why, according to the Institute, the projection as a global LGBTQ+ reference with great festivals and events needs to continue to strengthen.


The study reveals that 78% of travelers with a very high interest in visiting Spain use social networks to plan their trips.

Additionally, these travelers largely turn to friends and family as their primary source of travel advice (51%), but also use others, such as travel review sites (43%), destination websites (42%), and social networks (34%). These travelers are more likely to use platforms like Booking.com and Hotels.com.

Likewise, they show a greater tendency to travel alone or with friends, while other travelers prefer to travel as a couple. Generation Z (67%) and millennials (62%) are the most inclined to use traditional travel advisors, followed by 24% of boomers.

Finally, these travelers show a strong interest in sustainable travel practices, with 80% highlighting the importance of this aspect in their travel decisions.