A family in Ibiza manages to evict squatters after a 12-year court battle

Moments of the eviction. | Toni P.


The eviction of a number of homes, squatted spaces and caravans on the grounds of what was once the Sa Seni restaurant in Cala Mastella, took place at around 10am on Monday morning.

Around two dozen people were living in the squatted area, including a two-year-old child, although most of them had already vacated the space.

The eviction carried out by the Guardia Civil, with the support of the Santa Eulària Local Police, was also attended by representatives of the Can Pep Marí family, owners of the squatted land.

The eviction took place throughout the morning, and the support of anti-riot units from the Santa Eulària Local Police was required, due to the hostility shown by one of the occupants of the house.

This individual, who even threw cement blocks from the roof of the house a few metres away from the police units, made threats such as "I'm going to burn the house down" and "I'm going to tear down the roofs before I leave", as well as trying to intimidate the media by shouting "I'm going to look for you in your house, I'm going to find you".

Another squatter tried unsuccessfully to provoke the family that owns the land and the house.

Nieves Marí, one of the owners, who came accompanied by her mother and her sisters, Fina and Verónica, explained to Periódico de Ibiza y Formentera that "they entered the house 12 years ago, according to them, with our late father's permission, but it's a lie, so we filed a complaint and the trial has been dragging on for years".

After recovering his property, Marí assures that "we will sell everything, so many years have left us with so many bad memories that we prefer to forget it".

By "bad memories" Marí refers to the fact that "we couldn't even enter our land, the other day my nephew tried to pick some medlars from the tree and was aggressively chased away". "They even beat up my father and one of their dogs bit my mother," said Fina, Nieves' sister, who admitted that "coming here makes me very sad. Today I'm going to have a bad day, it's been an agony".

Verónica also recalled the time when "I came to get some plants to decorate my shop and they treated me terribly, recording me with the phone and threatening me. It was very unpleasant".