Ibiza has the most expensive rooms for rent in the whole of the Balearic Islands: more than 1,000 euros on average
35% of the advertisements on real estate portals in the main cities include shared housing.
La situación del mercado inmobiliario en las Islas condena a muchos ciudadanos a optar por un piso compartido. Imagen de unos ciudadanos consultando una inmobiliaria en Maó, Menorca. | Gemma Andreu
The room rental business is growing exponentially in view of the impossibility of renting a home. The high price of rents has led many citizens to resign themselves to having to share a flat and reduce their life to a room in the house while sharing the rest of the common spaces. The former director general of Habitatge and current advisor to Pedro Sánchez on housing, Eduardo Robsy, has carried out a study on the supply of flats for rent and the conclusion is that in Palma, Eivissa and other parts of the Islands, renting rooms already accounts for 25% of the total number of ads on real estate portals.
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