Sea War Museum Jutland in Thyborøn has made a new sensational discovery during its continued registration of shipwrecks in the North Sea and Skagerrak. In April 2018, the museum found the wreck of the German submarine U-3523, which was sunk with deep-water bombs in Skagerrak by a British B24-Liberator aircraft on May 6, 1945. Just the day before, the German forces in Denmark, Northwest Germany and Holland had surrendered, so the submarine was not engaged in battle, but was probably on the run. The U-3523 w | Youtube: JD-Contractor A/S
Un museo danés ha confirmado este viernes el hallazgo de los restos del que se trataría del submarino más avanzado empleado por la Marina alemana durante la II Guerra Mundial, el U-3523, que se hundió dos días antes del final de la guerra en Europa, el 6 de mayo de 1945, al recibir el impacto de dos cargas de profundidad lanzadas por un avión de combate británico.
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