Horrifying video captured the moment two gunmen opened fire in a Brazilian pool hall — killing seven people, including a 12-year-old girl, who had laughed at them for losing. The depraved men lost two consecutive games in Sinop City, in the state of Mato Grosso, on Tuesday and further lost it when the crowd laughed at their misfortune, Newsflash reported. The chilling footage shows one of the men lining up the victims against the wall at gunpoint while his companion grabs a shotgun from a pickup truck. I | Youtube: New York Post
Dos hombres asesinaron a siete personas después de perder un juego de billar en el estado brasileño de Mato Grosso y las autoridades confirmaron la muerte de uno de ellos durante los operativos de búsqueda, según informó este miércoles la Policía Civil.
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