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Mueren 9 personas en Missouri tras varios tiroteos

«En nuestro trabajo vemos un montón de cosas horribles y esto lo es. Es duro para los agentes que trabajan. No es normal ver este tipo de cosas», dijo el sargento Jeff Kinder.

Efe27/02/15 0:00

Relatives and friends of Leal react after being notified of his execution in Guadalupe

Relatives and friends of Leal react after being notified of his execution in Guadalupe

Imagen de familiares y amigos de Humberto Leal al conocer la muerte por inyección letal del reo.

Efe 07/07/11

Deer Tick "Dirty Dishes" - SXSW Music 2010

Deer Tick "Dirty Dishes" - SXSW Music 2010

Deer Tick originated as a John McCauley solo project in December 2004. Beginning his touring career with the help of Brendon Massei (Viking Moses), McCauley had toured extensively across the United States by the age of 19. In DIY fashion, he released three cassettes and numerous CD-Rs in this time period, and the project eventually evolved into what is now known as Deer Tick. After almost one year of continuous touring McCauley returned to Providence with a new found confidence and a number of songs includi

sxsw (Youtube) 07/12/10