The Ibiza Town Hall is processing two other sanctions totaling almost one million euros (specifically, a total of 918,962.848 euros) for illegal tourist rentals derived from the complaints of joint inspections between the Local Police and Urbanism staff carried out during the summer of 2024.

According to the Ibiza Town Hall, in total, the Town Planning Department has initiated four sanctioning proceedings for change of use from housing to tourism contrary to the municipal urban planning for a value of more than 2.2 million euros. In this regard, at the end of August, during a joint control with Urbanism staff of the Consistory, the Local Police denounced the urban infractions «after verifying that several people were staying in two apartments (located on the same street) that were advertised on the Airbnb platform. The Urbanism staff of the Consistory has initiated the sanctioning proceedings arising from these complaints,» detailed from the City Council of Ibiza.

The assessment

«The houses without a tourist license are for living, not for speculation and therefore, taking into account the difficulties to access housing in our Community; we will continue with the pressure against those who break the rules,» explained the mayor of the Ibizan capital, Rafa Triguero, who recalled that the change of use of buildings, constructions and facilities without an enabling title, and regardless of whether or not works were executed, is punishable by a fine of higher amount of 50% to 100% of the value of the building at the time of initiation of the procedure of reinstatement. At this point it is necessary to remember, in addition, that the renting of apartments to tourists in the Pitiusas is completely prohibited. In addition to receiving sanctions through the urbanistic route through the city councils, the Consell d'Eivissa can also impose fines from the tourist area, since the apartments (because it is forbidden) lack licenses to be rented to tourists.

More fines

The first file in urban planning matters for illegal tourist rentals with a proposed fine of 857,836.11 euros was announced by the mayor of Ibiza Town Hall during the debate on the state of the municipality held last October. In this particular case, a private individual, through the Green Line, warned of the situation and the Local Police of Vila, after the relevant checks, denounced the serious urban infraction after learning that a foreign person had booked the property through Airbnb during an inspection registered last September.

The second urbanistic sanctioning file for tourist rentals without a license, for 453,416.77 euros, was also initiated thanks to another complaint made through the Green Line. The Local Police of Ibiza denounced the urban infraction because they verified that people of Spanish and Italian nationality were spending their vacations in an apartment, located in the center of the city, which they had booked through Airbnb.