The ex-footballer Borriello will ask for his case to be dropped for the illegal building work on his mansion in es Cubells

Borriello (right), on his arrival at the Ibiza Courts yesterday morning in the company of his lawyer. | Arguiñe Escandón


The Italian ex-footballer Marco Borriello, under investigation for carrying out works without the required license in his mansion in es Cubells, availed himself of his right not to testify before the Court of Instruction number 3 of Ibiza, where he appeared yesterday at noon. Borriello is accused of an alleged offence of planning against the territory.

«I feel part of this island and we are trying to solve the problems,» Borriello said as he left the court. His lawyer, Víctor Soriano, said that the next step will be to present a document «explaining the urban planning situation of the house and the non-existence of any crime».

In January 2023, the Consell d'Eivissa ordered the demolition of the house and an adjoining building owned by Marco Borriello, which were renovated (more than 280 m2) and extended (more than 180 m2) «without having a municipal building permit». A mansion located in es Salt d'en Sit, on the coast of es Cubells, in a protected area ANEI and Red Natura 2000. The insular institution also imposed a fine of 674,277.87 euros for a very serious infringement for the execution of works «without the corresponding licence» and which, furthermore, «are contrary to territorial and urban planning and, therefore, manifestly illegal». For this reason, the Consell d'Eivissa gave Borriello six months to demolish these constructions. The sanctioning proceedings were suspended after the judicial proceedings were initiated.

As El Español reported at the time, and after having access to the report of the Department of Land Management, Road Infrastructure and Tourism Planning of the Consell d'Eivissa, the allegedly illegal works that Borriello carried out in his mansion consisted of «the construction of a 60 square metre swimming pool and a staircase leading to the shore of the beach and the demolition of a retaining wall of earth and partitions». These works are valued at 460,348.48 euros.
Volume extensions

In 2011, the ex-football player applied for a licence from the Sant Josep Town Hall to carry out the following alterations to the house: «change of floors, bathroom coverings, painting and change of kitchen, bathroom fittings and taps». The owner also applied for a licence to refurbish his swimming pool, which was not granted as the required documentation was not submitted. According to El Español, Borriello built a 60 square metre swimming pool anyway and carried out several works. Among them, «a new floor to the north and west of the plot and an integral reform of the main building with volume extensions», of which «there is no record of the authorisation for these actions», according to the report of the Consell d'Eivissa.

In 2014, the Sant Josep Town Hall granted the ex-footballer a municipal licence for minor works to carry out «maintenance works», which could not exceed the budget presented. «That municipal licence does not cover the works of new plant, extensions or comprehensive reform, only a small part of extension valued at 21,606 euros,» says the report of the island corporation.

«However, the Consell detected that, in Google Earth images dated 28 October 2016, it can be seen that an access path to the coast has been built from the platform of the cliff to the seashore and runs through the Protection Easement Zone, the Transit Easement Zone and the Maritime Public Domain Zone». A staircase that did not appear in previous photographs, nor is there any «authorisation for this action», the report states.

Marco Borriello settled in Ibiza definitively after his retirement as a football player in 2019, at which time he was part of the UD Ibiza squad where he now forms part of the board of directors. The striker had worn the shirt of such important clubs in his country as Juventus, Roma and Milan, among others. With the latter he won a Champions League. He also wore the Azzurri shirt of the Italian national football team seven times.