The pressure of care has already begun to be felt this Tuesday in the hospitals of the Islands, being more important in small health centres such as those of Inca and Manacor. It is usual for this to happen after the Christmas holidays, as it will be remembered that gatherings in enclosed spaces are conducive to contagion, especially respiratory viruses and influenza is already circulating in the Balearics as an epidemic, especially type A.
Flu peaks are already being felt in Balearic hospitals
They mainly affect the smaller ones such as Inca and Manacor
También en Pitiusas
- Un mallorquín estalla por una multa tras aparcar su moto en la zona azul de Ibiza: «Es una atrocidad»
- Los médicos apoyan el ‘multazo’ de 300.000 euros por el acto negacionista de Miguel Bosé y Josep Pàmies
- Un ibicenco encuentra el amor en First Dates
- «Ibiza se nos ha ido de las manos»
- Siete de cada diez urgencias atendidas en Can Misses podrían haber sido atendidas en Atención Primaria
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