The Sant Josep Local Police has released a video showing an intervention at an illegal party in a house with 120 people on November 1. As the agents explained to the person responsible for the illegal event, who initially refused to open the fence of the house until they make him enter because it will be worse if he refuses, the neighbors warned of the loud noise and music emanating from the interior of this house in the field. And as the head of housing recognizes the Local Police there were more than 120 people inside. The circumstance also occurs that the road outside the house is collapsed vehicles, as shown in the video broadcast by the Local Police of Sant Josep.

It is not the first time they come to this house for illegal parties, as explained to the responsible for the event, who recognizes that it is so. The agent points out that he faces a fine of 12,000 euros and could face preliminary proceedings for a crime of disobedience to the authority.

So far this year, the Sant Josep Local Police has attended 688 incidents related to the noise of illegal parties in houses or country villas.

Officers remember that these are illegal events where there is no security, for example. " What if a sexual assault happens inside the house?" they ask in the post broadcast on social networks.