This is how the heat wave will affect Ibiza and Formentera


The heat wave that starts this Monday, July 10, will activate alerts in 34 provinces of twelve autonomous communities, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).

In addition to the red warning in Cordoba and June, high temperatures will put at significant risk (orange) to Cadiz, Granada, Malaga, Seville, Baleares, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Toledo, Badajoz, Cáceres, Madrid and Albacete, which will also be on yellow alert for storms.
Meanwhile, Ibiza and Formentera will be on yellow alert for heat this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as temperatures above 36ºC and 37ºC will be recorded, between 12 and 19 hours. These days will also feature mists and dust in suspension.

Huesca, Teruel, Zaragoza, Ávila, Burgos, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid, Zamora, Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Murcia, Navarra, La Rioja, Alicante and Valencia will also be affected by the yellow heat wave.
The heat wave could end on Thursday

In an update to the special heat wave warning, AEMET has indicated that temperatures will remain very high also during Tuesday, although with some changes.
In particular, the intensification of the wind of the west and southwest will cause an ascent in the peninsular east and valley of the Ebro, where as in Mallorca will be able to reach 40-43ºC, and, on the contrary, the temperatures in the west and north peninsular, the further north and west. In the valley of the Guadalquivir will continue the very high temperatures, exceeding the 42ºC

This Monday and Tuesday will be the highlight of this episode in most of the territory, which by Wednesday 12 will be reduced by the probability of a cooling in most areas, mainly in the Ebro Valley and other areas of the northern peninsula, as well as in the Balearic Islands, being less charged in the southern third.

However, AEMET has specified that it is expected that temperatures will continue to rise in the southeast, reaching 42-44ºC.

The minimum temperatures will also be very high during the episode, with tropical nights, above 20 ºC, and even above 25ºC, in the southeastern half of the peninsula, especially in the southeastern third, and in the Balearic Islands.

The AEMET has warned that at the moment it is not possible to establish with certainty the end of this episode of heat wave, although it has advanced that could be on Thursday.

The most likely scenario indicates a tendency for thermal declines to continue from Wednesday, although for several more days, temperatures will be above the usual values in areas of the southern half of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, he said.