Jade Jagger. | EUROPA PRESS - Archivo


Jade Jagger, british jeweler, interior designer and model, as well as being the daughter of the legendary Mick Jagger, has been arrested in Ibiza for assaulting several national police officers when they tried to mediate an altercation in a restaurant in Vila. The events occurred around 21.00 hours on Wednesday in an establishment located in sa Creu street. At one point, Jade and her companion were inside the premises, allegedly under the influence of alcohol or some kind of substance. Their behavior was very aggressive and violent.

After a first altercation with the staff of the premises, one of the companions began to shout, insult and threaten the people who were there. Already in the street, National Police officers arrived to try to mediate in the conflict and politely asked him to stop his attitude. Far from calming down the situation, the man attacked the police officers, shoving and hitting them, so they had to reduce him using the force strictly necessary. At that moment, Jade Jagger, came out of the premises and shouting "Stupid Police" and other abusive phrases, rushed at a policewoman whom she pushed and scratched all over her body. She also had to be restrained and taken by police vehicle to the police station.

Once at the police station, the escort was so upset and nervous, presumably due to the ingestion of alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances, that he had to be taken to a medical center. At all times he showed great active resistance and even assaulted the medical personnel who were attending him. After spending the whole night in the cells, both detainees are expected to be brought before the courts during the course of the day.