I love the Spanish Coffee. There's really just one cocktail from Oregon that's known all over - mainly just in Oregon and Southern Washington, and that's Huber's Café's Spanish Coffee. I spent a lot of time sitting at the bar at Huber's when I first moved to Portland, just watching the bartenders and making mental notes of the recipe as I watched their pours and their technique. This is a great drink, especially for this time of year. I hope you'll take a moment sometime and try to make this one at home o | Youtube: Jeffrey Morgenthaler
El café es una de las bebidas más consumidas en la sociedad. Algunos lo toman con leche otros solo u otros con coñac. En esta ocasión se ha hecho viral el ‘ Spanish Coffee' preparado por el coctelero especializado Jeffrey Morgenthaler, a través de la publicación de la usuaria de X @TheFigen_.
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